Recent Topics
Does SociallyGood charge any additional amount to raise online donations?
We would like to be on SociallyGood platform. We want to know if SociallyGood charges any additional fee raise online donations?
How SociallyGood settles the donation payments?
I came to know that SociallyGood allows online donations. Once the donations are raised, does SociallyGood collects donations and settles with us later OR the donations get credited to our bank account?
How to join SociallyGood?
I am running an NGO in Karnataka. I would like to register with SociallyGood platform. Please let me know how to register with SociallyGood.
How to integrate payment gateway to SociallyGood receive online donations?
Do you support payment gateway integration? If yes, which payment gateways are supported by SociallyGood and how to integrate the payment gateways to our SociallyGood account?
Does SociallyGood support contacts import?
We have 1000+ contacts. We would like to import all the contacts to SociallyGood, so that, we can reach out to all these people to make Events or Volunteer or Donation campaign announcements. Does SociallyGood support bulk import of contacts?
I want to share the campaigns to different social networking channels from SociallyGood
After creating the campaigns on SociallyGood, is there a feature to share the campaigns on social channels like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc...?
Is it possible to broadcast campaigns over emails to multiple people?
I would like to email the campaigns created on SociallyGood to multiple contacts we own. Is there an option to broadcast announcement emails to multiple contacts?
Can a Microsite be created on SociallyGood platform?
I would like to showcase my NGO details and campaigns. Is it possible to create a microsite on SociallyGood platform?
Can I create DIY Campaigns on SociallyGood?
I am very good at networking with people and raise funds for NGOs.
Subscription Plans
Hi SociallyGood, Pls let me know your pricing details? Thanks, Raja
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